
16 Days and 601 recipes

Yeah! There have been 601 recipes entered so far!!!!

16 days left to get those recipes submitted!


I'm going to add a section on the sidebar of the blog with any family members personal blogs that would like to add. Let me know if you would also like to add a link to your blog too!


Jean Swinton

I just learned today that Jean Swinton has passed away. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family.

When I first took on this project her email was one of the first ones that I got. I emailed her not knowing if I would get a response since I have never talked to her before. She emailed me back almost immediately, I really formed a friendship with her by corresponding back and forth through email. She sent me DVD's of the family reunions and also some letters that she saved from the 1983 reunion. She was so personable and helpful. She will be greatly missed.

25 More Days!

There are 25 more days to submit recipes for the Cookbook!

is the number of recipes that have been entered!

I've also included 90 recipes from the first cookbook that are family favorites

Let me know if you have any questions.


September 15th

I've just extended the date to get the recipes submitted to September 15th. I just got some more addresses and I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to submit recipes that wanted to. Also the price of the cookbooks will be $14.00 which includes shipping. I'm sending out a letter to everyone with the details on how to order the cookbooks and info on the blog. We are up to 519 recipes as of today!

Keep submitting your recipes!!